3BP Inc has a solution for that!

In light of the recent food licking craze, 3BP Inc’s CEO Auguste Jacques stated, “No problem. We have a solution for that!”

Jacques was completely appalled but not totally surprised by the recent food contamination issues. “All food is at risk due to packaging and transporting issues. I just didn’t expect people to publicly lick the food and put it back on camera and inadvertently starting a viral campaign.” Fortunately, 3BP Inc. has a solution that will alert consumers, food distributors, and retailers of contamination.

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How Much Do You Know About Condoms?

How Much Do You Know About Condoms?

For decades, condoms have served as one of the most effective contraceptive methods on the market. The need for continued and more comprehensive safety measures within the condom industry is growing, as the rate of unplanned pregnancies and contraction of STI’s increases. In addition, in a majority of under-developed regions, several organizations throughout the world are taking up aggressive social marketing across all commercial and media to increase knowledge and correct use of condoms.
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Do you really know how safe your food is?

Do you really know how safe your food is?

How long food remains safe to eat and nutritious depends on many factors and processes that are involved in how food is gathered, stored and delivered. Unfortunately, 25% of all globally produced foods is unsafe to consume and lost to spoilage. Temperature, moisture, and preparations in packaging, shipping, delivering, storage, purchasing, and cooking all play a role in the growth rate of bacteria that causes food spoilage. The struggle to mitigate the situation is a continuous one.

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3BP technology aids in the protection against drug tampering and counterfeiting

The North American pharmaceutical market represents the largest continental pharma market in the world. The United States alone holds over 45 percent of the global pharmaceutical market. In 2016, this share was valued around 446 billion U.S. dollars. With this staggering volume, you can imagine the amount problems that could and do exist. Continue reading “3BP technology aids in the protection against drug tampering and counterfeiting”